Permission Slips

Published on by Yours Truly

Permission Slips

If it's permissible to you, it's permissible to him.
He'll take it as far as you allow...

How many ladies get to sample your dinner?
How much grief must you allow your already hurting heart to endure?

He hands you the slip, blindly you sign.
He walks out the door.
With your permission to again use his whore.

You await alone, hoping being with his family will make it alright.
He has to come home (you say) but he stays out night after night.

Upon his anticipa
ted arrival, you await eagerly to get him alone.
Then the questions begin....

"Where were you?"
"Who were you with?"
"Why didn't you answer your pho

{"Come home?

All you do is leave me here alone!"}

Reverse phycology begins, it's a cheaters only defence.
To convince you you're the problem, yet his claims make no sense.

That if you keep up with your suspicions, you're going to lose a good man.
So you hold on to the last thread you have lingering loosely in your hand.

So, it's not long before you offer your temple to him once again, with your body wrapped so tightly, around his deceiving little thumb.

You play dumb

Hold on to the beginning of when things were actually fun.

You hear the shower turn on and your heart starts to pump.
He couldn't possibly be leaving again, wasn't what we just had enough?

The scent of his favourite cologne, pretty much sums it up.
In your heart you know nothing will make him stay, so you start filling your cup.

Get faded just to fade the pain.
Stay numb, hoping this will be your last day.

Your tears no longer work, he laughs now when you cry.

He's become so cold towards you, your only defence is submission.
Be who he want
s, do what he says, just listen.

It didn't take long before out of his pocket pops another permission form.
So you sign it while your heart breaks as you search for his love through the storm.

Imagine, just for once, he came back for more permits.
But your pen was void of ink and bags filled with all your garments.

He would call you to see if you were bluffing.

Convince you you're crazy, lazy, that the slips you give him daily aren't for the use of other ladies.

Would you look in his eyes, and see truth?
Believe his lies, let him remain aloof?

Girl, distance is all you'll need.
Enough of it and you WILL see.

He ain't that cute,
Has no job,
Mama's boy at best,
Carries himself like a slob.

If you stay in his fog, his image only dilutes your mind.
It's fake, insecure, which is what youbecame over-time.

It's time to awaken,
See things for what they are.
You staying another day, gives permission for him to keep going stray.

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