
Published on by Yours Truly


The experience of a drug addiction can not be summed up into a few words.
There is a certain trust you gain towards your drug(s) of choice.
It keeps you in the dark while simultaneously provides you with an artificial light.
It's deceptive manner comes with a bitter, sweet taste.
It's so good at what it does in the way that it lies to you every single time.
Yet, you are drawn in again and again, brought to your knees, following the path leading directly to insanity.
You go back once again to see what it could offer, but feel cheated, cheap and used for believing it's lies but again.
It's confinement is comforting.
The longer you remain it's slave, dominion takes over and it grows into more of a master to you.

It's a place where dark angels take over curious lives.
Lives that were otherwise pure but in search of an escape route.
Lives that wanted freedom from already being in a dark headspace.

Instead, it offers a false sense of security, and in that security you get trapped, some even remain stuck.
The problem is our feelings.
Something that makes us feel good enables us to keep coming back for more.
However, usually the case is, if it offers an instantaneous splurge of good feelings, nine times out of ten, it is something that is bad for us.
You become dependant on this "good feeling."

Coming to the realization half way in the tunnel you choose to take, that it leads to a dead end.
That there is only darkness there.
You've been blinded by the darkness for so long that you become afraid to make your way back into the light.
So another day passes you by, and all you're capable of doing is sitting stiff within your false secure perimeters, and endure.
You are broken down, faded out and defeated by your addiction.

Hope goes a long way. With only the thought of it, it is possible to pass through the tunnel and come out the other end into the light, into reality.
But I will say my friends, that is when the real battle starts.
So put on your armour and be ready to fight,
The difference with this war is that there is a victor, so long as you persevere.
The battle will be worth the fight and in the end, YOU win and evil can no longer prevail.

Like a baby, you will have to learn to walk.
Your walk must be different in order to maintain order.
Baby steps are essential as your journey to recovery is a life long battle.
Relapses are not all bad, if you are determined to keep your self-worth close to your hea
rt, a relapse can only be considered as a lesson...
of where you never again wish to revisit.

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